Principal’s Graduation Speech June 2017

Today is a celebration of all that is good about our students, teachers and the School.

It is wonderful to look observe among you that positive energy that comes on Graduation Day.

I am excited about the future for each of our students graduating today. You have the potential to be all you want to be.

Thank you for coming to our Graduation ceremony.

Seeing all of you here today is a testament to the achievements of our graduates and to the love and support they have received over the years form the staff, parents and the whole school community.

I am enormously proud of the 6th classes of 2017. Each one of our pupils has worked very hard to realize their full potential. They have preserved and worked towards achieving their goals in a very determined way.

Each of you have grown in a way that you should be so proud and are now ready to transition to a new exciting chapter in your lives. We endeavor to provide a holistic education for our school community.

It is not all about the academic achievements but rather about embracing all the various opportunities in sport, music, Erasmus, Green schools, Active schools, Student Council, that the school offers to the students.

A healthy body a healthy mind we have a duty of care to ensure the well-being of all our pupils with opportunities in Mindfulness and Christian meditation.

This year group of 6th classes have grasped these opportunities and the staff have watched in awe as they developed both life skills and resilience skills across the broad curricula in our school.

Can I take this opportunity to thank all you parents for your tremendous support and willingness to support your child’s education in our school. We value and acknowledge the support of the parent community in the provision of an inclusive education here.


Thanks to the teaching staff and the support staff.

Like any production behind the scenes there is a huge commitment going into each lesson prepared and an eagerness to be the very best staff they can be. It is a privilege for me to work this staff who have such a skill-set and expertise in education. Their dedication to educating the students in our school is enormous.

Thank you.

To all of our students here the future is where you will spend most of your lives. The real power of creating and being responsible for your own future is unlimited. You will hopefully experience enormous joy in creating this journey for yourself and enjoy the benefits of it too. Of course there will be challenges ahead however when you are determined to succeed you will make the right choices for you! I encourage you to put all your energy your faith talent and time into each opportunity that comes your way.

Follow your dreams

Follow your passion

Believe in yourself.

Life is an endless process of self-discovery

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