Technology at Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh

The pupils of Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh were very fortunate recently to experience work and play with ‘Beebots’ and ‘Lego Wedo ‘. A lot of fun was had as the pupils explored mathematical concepts whilst also integrating with the digital technologies aspect of our STEM curriculum. Beebots are floor robots that move in different directions following commands input by the pupils.  Beebots are a fantastic tool to facilitate the development of   pupils’ computational thinking.


The children’s enthusiasm whilst working with Lego Wedo was inspiring. This resource combines traditional Lego bricks with motion sensors and software. There was great excitement as the pupils collaborated on  various moving design projects. It was evident that this experience enhanced their skills across art and design, mathematics, science, coding and engineering. We are very grateful to Navan Education Centre who facilitated the loan of this equipment to our school.

Luke, Divine, Joris, Joshua & Kevin from Mrs Doak’s 6th class programme a Beebot


Adrian, Shannon & Zuzanna from Mrs Doak’s class design and code a ‘Milo’ with Lego Wedo

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