21st October 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we approach midterm on Friday, I would like to acknowledge the wonderful support we have received from the Parent Community over the last number of weeks.
Our School Community has put enormous effort and energy into re-opening our school and keeping everyone safe over the first half of this term. We are very proud of the fact we have remained COVID free to date. This is a result of the effectiveness of the collaboration between Home and School to ensure full compliance with the School’s COVID-19 Response Plan.
Pupils have been fantastic and have demonstrated great resilience in complying with the new protocols and procedures. We continue to prioritise the Health and Safety and the Wellbeing of our Pupils and Staff. The Pupils are highly engaged with the curriculum focusing on SPHE, Literacy, Numeracy and Physical Education. We have been blessed with the exceptional weather which has facilitated us to be outdoors for considerable periods daily.
I urge everyone to continue to comply fully with the measures in place, knowing that we all have a real role to play in suppressing the virus and keeping it safe for our Pupils to attend school. Our school is playing its part and working tirelessly to stay safe. We need your continued support.
On behalf of all the Staff we would like to wish you a lovely midterm.
Bláithín Maguire
Friday 23rd October 2020: Non uniform day, Pupils may dress up (Halloween Theme, no props)
The Parents Association are hosting this as a fund raiser towards additional Digital Technology and other curricular areas. Please feel free to contribute a £1, much appreciated.
Friday 23rd October 2020: Friendly Friday for the Pupils. The Pupils can bring a treat in their lunch box.
Digital Technology Google Form: The Teachers will send you a link to a Google Form via Class Dojo. Kindly complete as this information will inform Pupils’ access to devices in the home.
As a school we are transitioning to the G-Suite domain to include Google Classroom online platform. The Staff have engaged in extensive training for the successful implementation of this online platform. Class Dojo will continue to be used as a communication tool. I will email a copy of the Schools’ Remote Learning Plan to you by Friday. This will provide additional information for you.
Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd: To facilitate a deep clean in the school, we will be sending all the Pupils’ books home to be returned on Monday the 2nd November.
Bláithín Maguire
Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh
Roll Number: 20017F
041 – 9828091