
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Hope you all had a lovely weekend.
I have been directed by the Department to share the latest update on Travel guidelines.
Please see below.

Travel abroad
Government policy, which is based on official public health advice, continues to advise against non-essential travel overseas for everyone.

It is a requirement for anyone coming into Ireland, from locations other than those with a rating of ‘normal precautions’ (“green”), to restrict their movements for 14 days, and this includes school Staff, Parents and children or other students coming from abroad to attend school in Ireland. Restricting your movements means staying indoors in one location and avoiding contact with other people and social situations as much as possible.

The school has a duty of care to all of its Pupils and Staff members. If a school has reasonable grounds for believing that its duty of care toward its Staff and Pupils is being undermined in circumstances where a person – Staff member or Pupil – has not observed the mandatory requirement to restrict movements for 14 days following return from a non-green list country, it is reasonable for the school to refuse access to the Pupil or Staff member during this period.

Bláithín Maguire


Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh

Roll Number: 20017F

041 – 9828091

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