last day of Term 1

Dear Parents & Guardians, what a day!
Actually a very emotional one as we said goodbye to our wonderful children and Staff.
It has certainly been a tough and challenging term managing the Health & Safety of the School Community along with ensuring educational attainments to a very high standard.
We did it we made it over the finishing line with the support and cooperation of you the Parent Community.
It would be easy to feel overwhelmed facing into new restrictions for Christmas. However we can choose to remain calm and positive and fill our hearts with Love, Joy and Hope for better things to come.Lets be kind to each other in the weeks ahead.
Well done to our extraordinary Staff, SNAs,Secretary, Caretaker, Parents and most of all our fabulous children.
The Staff appreciate your abundance of kindness, generosity of spirit and the beautiful gifts, emails and well wishes received over the last week.
Thank you everyone.
Kindest regards

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