Admissions applications

Dear Parents & Guardians,
Hope you are all keeping well.

I would appreciate your support in sharing this information with Parents in our school community who may have children transitioning from 2nd class to 3rd class in September 2021.

Admissions applications must be submitted by Parents to the office of the Secretary in accordance with our Admissions policy on the school website.( via post.
Parents were notified well in advance in December and a further reminder has been sent out.
All outstanding applications will be placed on a waiting list.

All parents of 2nd class children in SON – MUST apply for a place in SSN .

We will be officially allocating places next week.
Thank you

Bláithín Maguire

Bláithín Maguire


Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh

Roll Number: 20017F

041 – 9828091

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