Meath Coaster Digital version
As we reach the end of January it’s good to take time to reflect on and to celebrate our perservence and endurance in getting through a challenging month in the School Community.
The entire School Community- Teachers, Special Needs Assistants, Secretary, Caretaker, Pupils, Parents, Board of Management and Principal have done incredible work in adapting to Remote Learning. It is important to acknowledge the level of engagement and collaboration between Home and School which has been phenomenal.
All the preparation in Term 1 for Distance Learning to include becoming a member of the G-Suite Community has paid dividence. The Pupils have adapted so well to Google Classroom and enjoy working in the online space.
As we move to navigate our Vertical school into springtime, let us be filled with hope and joy for better things to come.
Today is a new day
And I will be brave
With deeply rooted hope,
I’ll keep going anyway.
I came into this season
Not knowing
What I would face
But I am making the courageous decision
To keep going
And on days like this
That means everything.
Today. I will remember how far I have come.
I will remember:
The winds of uncertain came
But my rooted held me in place.
And there, on shaken ground,
I bloomed. Anyway.
Today is a new day
And I will be brave.
With deeply rooted hope,
I’ll keep going anyway.
Our primary focus continues to be the Wellbeing and Welfare of the School Community. We have learned such a range of skills from the Weaving Wellbeing programme, we are using our toolkit and resilience skills to breathe, stay calm and take one day at a time.
We are inspired daily with our positive thoughts for Mindful Monday, Thankful Tuesday, Wellbeing Wednesday, Thoughtful Thursday and Feel-good Friday. We are celebrating Children’s’ Mental Health week 1st February to 5th February 2021.This year’s theme is Express Yourself. Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through creativity. This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance, drama and doing things that make you feel good. It is about finding a way to show who you are, and how you see the world, that can help you feel good about yourself.
1st February – 5th February 2021
Bláithín Maguire
Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh
Roll Number: 20017F
041 – 9828091