Partial Re-opening school
School Roll No: 20017F
17th February 2021
Dear Parents & Guardians,
School will re-open on Monday the 22nd of February at 9:15am to 12 for our special classes Loinnir & Réaltaí. This will facilitate a transition period for the Pupils to return to school and settle back into new routines and adapt to new protocols. We are excited to meet the children face to face and look forward to welcoming them back to school.
· Parents are requested to drop and collect their child to and from school.
· There is a Department grant available to subsidise transport.
· School Transport will be mobilised following a review of week 1.
· Parents are requested not to congregate at the school gates or wall.(Drop, Set & Go)
· A Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form will be emailed to Parents in advance of their child returning to school.(to be emailed on Sunday 21st )
· Staff will complete an updated Pre-Return to Work COVID form.
· All Staff will wear full PPE to include upgraded medical masks KN95.
· Additional Staff will be on site to provide additional support for the Staff in the Special classes and to provide supervision for breaks. An SNA and a SET Teacher will rotate daily for the interim period and work remotely on site.
· The Principal will be on site for the duration of school opening hours.
· The school building will be restricted to Staff in the special classes only to maintain the integrity of the bubbles. The remainder of our classes and school administration will continue to work in the virtual school.
· Outsource will provide an on-site cleaning service for the duration of the opening of the school.
· The caretaker will provide ongoing maintenance and monitor the heating system.
Staff and Pupils who are feeling unwell have a moral imperative to stay at home
· The concerns and needs of vulnerable and at-risk Staff will be managed in line with approved policy and procedures
· Staff are being provided with all necessary PPE and protective clothing in accordance with identified Covid-19 exposure risks and in line with public health advice
· There is adequate Covid-19 signage and floor stickers on display throughout the school. Visible signage is in place that identifies general cleaning protocols, processes, and practices
· Appropriate social distancing to be maintained (where possible) and necessary controls are in place to reduce transmission risks. Appropriate dispersion measures are used at all entrance and exit doors.
· The school maintains a log of contacts to facilitate contact tracing.
· Specific procedures are in place for the reception of goods and deliveries
· Digital tools and communication systems are used as an alternative to face-to-face meetings.
· There is a system in place to keep Staff, Pupils and Parents up to date with the latest public health advice. Regular and transparent briefings/communications will be provided to Staff and Parents. (via Class Dojo, email, School Story & School website)
· Appropriate cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures are in place. There is also a cleaning schedule of any surfaces or equipment that is shared or used regularly by Staff and Pupils
· There is a plan in place as to what needs to be done if a Staff member or Pupil develops COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) while at school. All Staff and Pupils are aware of the relevant steps and procedures. (Isolation room protocols)
The Board of Management will continue to communicate regularly with Staff and Parents, and we request that you keep yourself updated with all communications, giving the ever- changing nature of this pandemic. Each of us needs to take personal responsibility for our actions in relation to Covid-19 and we must all work together to ensure the safety of every child and adult in our school community.
We would remind all members of the School community of the dangers of spreading this virus through congregation of groups of people. Please be mindful of this in relation to dropping off and collecting children at the school entrance.
While there is undoubtedly a long road ahead, there is hope that better times are imaginable with the availability of vaccines and the roll out of an inoculation programme.
We look forward to meeting you and your child on Monday the 22nd of February.
Bláithin Maguire
Bláithín Maguire
Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh
Roll Number: 20017F
041 – 9828091