Meath Coaster – Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh – Senior Primary School.
Finally, we can see the end of the Rainbow! – we were delighted to welcome back the children in our ASD classes. It is so good to have them and some of our staff back in school. We now also have a target date of Monday, 15th March for our school to fully re-open, and for the rest of our pupils to join our ASD classes. We know that the children, teachers and staff are all looking forward to being back in school. And I am sure parents are glad and perhaps relieved as well!.
Thank You!
We would like to acknowledge the appreciation expressed by so many parents and our Parents Association, as to how well the school staff supported their children during these challenging months. We have been inundated with supportive messages and both myself and the staff really appreciate you taking the time to say thank you. We strive always to do our very best for our children and meet each challenge with creativity and positivity. Thank you!
Parents – have you enrolled your child for 3rd class in September?
All new parents should have received an email from our School Office, on foot of their application, confirming a place for their child in 3rd class in September. Please note this applies to parents of children in Scoil Oilibheir Noafa as well. If you have not received an email confirming your child’s place – you need to contact our School Office immediately – secretary
Issue 2 of SSN Good Good News!
Since January, our 5th Class Journalists have been collaborating virtually to create the 2nd Edition of the Good-Good News Letter. This edition contains mindfulness, advice, interviews, photos & puzzles from the children across 5th Class. It is a great read and a wonderful accomplishment for the editors, reporters and photographers. Well done 5th! Budding journalists in our midst!
Parents – please be alert to school communications that may issue in advance of our return to school on Monday, March 15th. If you change any of your contact details – it is vital that you notify the School Office immediately: secretary
You need to ensure that the school has two current contact phone numbers (in case of emergency or sudden school closure) and an email address for your child. Thank you.
Bláithín Maguire
Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh
Roll Number: 20017F
041 – 9828091