Good morning Parents & Guardians,
Just an update in regard to Confirmation. I contacted Fr Denis in regard to a date and he has advised me that Bishop Tom Deenihan, Diocese of Meath will confirm dates for Confirmation when 6th classes have returned to the school setting.
The Staff have been very impressed with the level of engagement to date however I urge you to continue to encourage your child to attend the live classes, listen to all the recorded videos and to engage with the small group settings with the SET Team. We continue to incentivise the Pupils to submit their work with lots of Dojo’s points and we are hoping that many of the Pupils will receive their silver certificate at Easter.
The Pupils are settling back in well to our Special classes.
This consistency of collaboration and engagement will ensure a smooth transition for your child on the 15th of March.
Have a lovely day.
Kindest regards
Bláithín Maguire
Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh
Roll Number: 20017F
041 – 9828091