Last Day in our Virtual School

Good morning everyone,

Hope you have all had a good week.
One year to this day we closed the doors of SSN for the first lockdown. It is incredulous to believe that we have been in a position to adapt to remote learning so readily and with your support, provide a space for your child to continue to grow and learn.

Today as a Staff we close the Virtual school and are looking forward to the full re-opening of the school on Monday. The Special classes have been open for the last three weeks and the children adapting to new routines and structure.
The support and positivity we have received from you has enabled the collaboration with Home and School via google classroom. We appreciate it very much.

This morning we are looking forward to Professional Development with the PDST and as always, the Staff are eager to develop even further their expertise and skillset.
The Staff have done a tremendous job in reaching out to the School Community to ensure a high level of engagement. And I am very appreciative of that.

There will be a full Parent Communication to include a Google Form (Declaration by Parents in advance of pupil returning to school) sent out later today.

Thank you for your ongoing support .
Have a good day.

Kind regards

Bláithín Maguire


Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh

Roll Number: 20017F

041 – 9828091

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