Dear Parents & Guardians, A reminder to complete the google form Declaration by Parents in advance of your child returning to school.
Teachers sent it as a link via class dojo on Friday.
Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form Parents and Guardians, Please complete this form before your child returns to school next week. It must be completed between 7pm on Sunday 14th March and 9am on Monday 15th – if your child is in 3rd or 5th class. It must be completed between 7pm on Monday 15th March and 9am on Tuesday 16th March – if your child is in 4th or 6th class. |
School Re-opening Timetable:
Monday 15th : Full day for 3rd and 5th classes, and ASD classes.
Monday 15th: Remote learning for 4th and 6th classes
Tuesday 16th: Full school day for all classes.
Wednesday 17th: St Patrick’s Day – school closed.
Thursday 18th and Friday 19th: Full school day for all classes.
We appreciate your support and co-operation and look forward to welcoming your children back to school.
Kind regards
Bláithín Maguire
Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh
Roll Number: 20017F
041 – 9828091