Dear Staff, Parents & Guardians,
Please note a reminder of the timeline for the next week in SSN.
Should you need to contact me as a matter of urgency, please email me to
As you know we are in the process of moving to the temporary school building on the Tara road, Bettystown, Co Meath. Eircode: A92 XK64.
This requires the school to be closed for some discretionary days, as agreed with the School Governance body in the Department of Education and Board of Management. Mindful of maintaining connectivity and ongoing support for the well-being of the pupils, the following arrangement has been agreed and approved.
MONDAY 7th MARCH: School will be fully open for Staff and pupils.
It will be our last day in SSN and we are planning a celebratory day to include some nice activities, a treat for the pupils and a scheduled visit to the new school for all classes.
TUESDAY 8th MARCH: Careline International will be moving the school contents. School will transition to an online platform. No Staff or pupils are permitted on site due to health & safety risks. PLEASE NOTE SCHOOL AND OFFICE PHONE AND EMAIL WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.
WEDNESDAY 9th MARCH: Careline International will be moving the school contents. School will be online. SCHOOL AND OFFICE PHONE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.
No Staff or pupils are permitted in the school due to health & safety risks.
THURSDAY 10th MARCH: Discretionary day for Staff in the new school planning and setting up the classrooms. The pupils will be at home, work will be provided to all classes. SCHOOL AND OFFICE PHONE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.
FRIDAY 11th MARCH: Discretionary day for Staff to prepare the school for re-opening on Monday 14th March. The pupils will be at home on Friday, work will be given to all classes. SCHOOL AND OFFICE PHONE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.
INSTALLATION OF ICT: Wednesday 9th March to Saturday 12th March.
Please understand that the long term gain for the School Community is the new school project which is on target to commence in early April. We appreciate your ongoing support to facilitate the school move.
There is great excitement in the school at present as we are packing up and preparing the pupils for the move. We will be sharing a video of the new school and a presentation on class dojo to support the transition for the pupils. Please take time to view and discuss with your child.
We are very proud to have claimed ownership of the temporary building, one step nearer the delivery of the new school.
The School Community in SSN deserve the very best!
Thank you for your continued support.
Bláithín Maguire, Principal
Bláithín Maguire
Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh
Roll Number: 20017F
041 – 9828091