Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Board of Management 2024-2027
Mr Noel Quinn – Chairman
Ms Bláithín Maguire (Principal) – Secretary
Carol Murphy – Treasurer/Parent Representative
Niamh Kerins – Staff Representative
Fr Denis Mc Nelis – PP/Chaplin
Mags Leonard – Community Representative
Paul Tanner – Community Representative
Dave Carolan – Parent Representative
In Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh we are privileged to work with a highly skilled and committed Board of Management. The Board adopts a child centred approach to all of its’ work and the primary aim is to ensure the school is managed in a manner that provides all of the pupils with the best possible education, one that is fully Inclusive, fair and equitable with the priority being the well-being of each unique child.
The Board upholds the characteristic spirit and Catholic ethos of Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh. The well-being of staff, pupils and parents is to the fore and paramount to all decision making.