Senior Primary, Tara Road, Bettystown, Co Meath.  A92 XK64 - Telephone 041 9828091 - Email secretary@ssnlaytown.ie

Welcome to our school!

We are a senior primary school, educating children from 3rd class to 6th class.  We are looking forward to moving into our new school building before the end of the school year.  Exciting times ahead!

School Calendar 2024/25

School Calendar for 2024/25 is available here

Upcoming School Closures:

  • Wednesday, 1st May – Early closing at 1.45pm – (As per Circular 14/04, there will be 3 early closures during the year for Staff Meetings, one per term).
  • Monday 6th May – May Bank Holiday
  • Friday, 17th May – school is closed – Staff Training, Primary Maths Curriculum.
  • Friday 31st May and Monday 3rd of June – school is closed for June Holiday weekend.

Confirmation Day:

Our children and their families had a wonderful Confirmation Day on 21st March. Our thanks to Bishop Tom Deenihan and Fr Denis for the lovely service, and to Mrs Carter and Mr Kavanagh for the wonderful singing and music.  Special thanks to our hard-working 6th class team for preparing the children so well for Confirmation. And to our SNA staff for their preparation of the Confirmation robes and the artwork, which made such a striking display in the Church.

Summer Programme:

The school will be facilitating the Summer Programme for the first 2 weeks in July: – 1st to 5th July and 8th to 12th July.  9.30am to 3pm each day.  (For children who meet the criteria and who are currently enrolled in our school). Details available under the Parent Tab.

All correspondence directly to this email only please  SP24@ssnlaytown.ie

Be safe on-line!

We were delighted to welcome members of the new Garda Community Policing unit, who delivered a suite of talks to our children on Internet Safety and Civic Behaviour.  We encourage parents to familiarize themselves with the range of social media platforms with which your child engages and ensure that they are age appropriate. Children accessing inappropriate apps and social media platforms can lead to unsafe practices and situations developing for your child, according to the Gardai.




We are nearly there!  Our new school building is now nearing the final phase of the building process.  We will then of course have to work on internal and IT infrastructure - but we can sense that the end in sight!  Staff, children, parents and the entire school community are looking forward to our big move! Further details will be shared with parents as and when they become available to us.

We were thrilled to see the first vertical wall of our new school build going up on 10th October. A wonderful milestone!.  The building is progressing at a great pace and we are so looking forward to our new school. We have worked hard this term to ensure the pupils are realizing their full potential while also enjoying plenty of fun learning too.  The pupils demonstrated their creativity during Space Week, creating wonderful spacecrafts and learning lots about the Solar system. During Maths Week, the pupils demonstrated their love of numbers and achieved very high scores in our new Maths Rock Stars Tables programme.

Our pupils continue to keep fit with lots of movement breaks, walks and GAA coaching.
They are also busy exercising their musical abilities with Choir practise and Band practise in full swing – great to hear! Their enthusiasm for all things musical is evident.

Photo: Left - Signing the contract for the new school, Noel Quinn Chairman BOM, Principal Bláithin Maguire, Niamh Kierans Staff Rep BOM.  Right - New School  Building November 2022. 

Admissions Information

Scoil an Spoiraid Naoimh is a is a senior primary school. We cater for children from third class upwards.

Forms for admission for 2024-2025:

All enrolment applications must be accompanied by a birth certificate, proof of address, school reports, any additional documentation relating to any additional resources provided at current school.

If your child has a medical condition, or requires medication to be kept in school, please also complete a Healthcare Plan. Applications will not be considered until all relevant documentation is provided.

Databiz App:

Our school now uses the Databiz Eolas App. Parents must sign up to this Eolas App. It enables parents to track attendance, receive messages, school reports, school events and calendar, etc.


 Instructions are provided below:

 All queries regarding enrolment places for the rest of this school year 2023/24 should be emailed to the Secretary’s Office – secretary@ssnlaytown.ie

Information for new pupils and parents

Please browse our School Website for information about our school. Under the Parent Tab above is where we publish information relating to Resources Lists, School Uniform, School Payments, etc.  Our School Policies and procedures are available under the About Us Tab above.

Parents and Guardians

As you may be aware, the primary curriculum is changing and will continue to change over the coming years. The new primary curriculum recognises the key role parents and guardians play in their child’s education and promotes a partnership approach which will encourage increased communication between schools and parents/guardians.

The Department of Education deems it essential that parents/guardians are made aware of the changes to the curriculum that have taken place to date and what will be happening over the years to come. In this regard the Department, in collaboration with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) and the Professional Development for Teachers (PDST), has developed a leaflet which is designed to introduce these changes and encourage parent/guardians to engage in the future consultations seeking feedback on the draft curriculum areas and subjects of the new curriculum.

Attached  is the double sided leaflet which all schools have been asked to share with the parents and guardians in their school community. In recognition of the diversity in our schools the leaflet is available in the following languages:

  • English
  • Gaeilge
  • Polish
  • Lithuanian
  • Ukrainian
  • Russian
  • Latvian
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Mandarin Chinese
  • Irish Sign Language

All versions of the leaflet can be found at gov.ie - New Primary Curriculum Framework (www.gov.ie) and we would encourage you to choose the language version most suitable in your context. 

The Department will continue to engage with all education stakeholders over the coming months to communicate about the new curriculum.