Senior Primary, Tara Road, Bettystown, Co Meath. A92 XK64 - Telephone 041 9828091 - Email
Decant updates – we have moved!
Scoil an Spioriad Naoimh, Senior Primary, Tara Road, Bettystown, Co Meath. A92 XK64
School phone: 041-9828091
We are thrilled to be in our new temporary building. We have settled in very well to our spacious and bright accommodation. Both Staff and pupils are very excited to be here at last, it feels like home already. The senior pupils love the excitement of being upstairs on floor one. We value the close proximity to the junior school and the post primary campus. We are looking forward to collaborating closely with both schools for the transition programmes for our pupils.
The decant involved a huge scope of work and full credit to our School Community who worked tirelessly to coordinate a smooth transition for Staff and pupils. We bring a renewed energy and enthusiasm to our teaching and learning, and we are providing lots of extracurricular opportunities for the pupils, with cycle safety, basketball and GAA coaching sessions resuming.
There is a sense of normalcy and lots of positivity as we plan ahead for the remainder of the school year.
The Board of Management will continue to progress the business of the new school project. The Department have informed us that the demolition company will be on site at the old school in April. We are hoping to return to the new school building in two years’ time, all going well.
A word of thanks to the wonderful volunteers in the Parents Association who are dedicated to our school and committed to ensuring that we have the very best resources for our pupils.
Arrangements for collecting children early from our temporary school:
Parents please note - there are no cars permitted onto the school grounds. Parking is available at the car park across the road. Parents should go to the pedestrian gate - which is the main entrance gate for the children, and call the Office. The Secretary will bring out to you a Sign Out Form and your child. No child can be released from school without a Sign Out Form being completed. Written notice needs to be provided in advance of a child being collected early from school. Please avoid collecting children over the lunchtime period unless absolutely necessary. We appreciate your co-operation.
Children starting in 3rd class in September 2022.
All parents of children starting in our school in September 2022 will have received a confirmation email from the Office. If you have not received an email confirming a place for your child you need to contact the Secretary immediately on We will be in contact with new parents in due course regarding an Open event.
Parents and Guardians
Confirmation will be on 29th March in the Sacred Heart Church. There will be two ceremonies, one at 2pm and one at 4pm. We send our best wishes to our 6th class children as they prepare for this special day of faith. Parking will be available in our old school grounds.
Parents please note - the March 29th will be a normal school day for all other children.
Easter Holidays:
School will be closed from 12.10pm on Friday 8th April until Friday 22nd April inclusive.
Enrolment 2022/23:
Application for Admission - ASD Class
“All queries regarding enrolment places for September 2022 should be emailed to the Secretary’s Office at “
Public Health updates:
We are expecting further update from Public Health. In the interim, the Public Health Schools teams have requested schools to regularly reinforce these messages to our school communities to help keep everybody safe.
Your child should not attend school if they are unwell.
Before attending school:
- Symptoms– your children must not attend school if they have any symptoms of Covid-19 infection.
- Symptomatic household members– a reminder to parents that no child should be attending school if they have any household member who has signs or symptoms of Covid-19; they should be restricting their movements until it is clear whether the household member has Covid-19 infection or not.
- Close contacts– children or parents need to restrict their movements and undergo testing if they have been told by their doctor / HSE services that they are a close contact of a case of Covid-19; they should not be attending any school.
We appreciate your support and co-operation in helping us to keep our school safe and open, by abiding by the national public health measures currently in place at all times e.g. restricting movements and social contacts, social distancing, use of facial coverings and hand hygiene. It is our priority to continue to provide a safe and healthy environment for your children and our staff.
Principal’s Welcome
Céad Míle Fáilte to our school website. Here we aim to provide parents and the wider community with a valuable source of news and information on our school.
At Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh, everything we do has the well-being of your child at its heart. Our enthusiastic staff strive to provide the very best teaching and learning experience for every child in our school, helping them to reach their full potential. An essential ingredient in achieving this is the co-operation, support and participation of you the parents. Together, we can nurture the skills and provide the learning that they require for this stage of their education. We hope that your child’s experience of our school will be a happy one, where they will grow in confidence of their abilities and enjoy their learning experience.
We appreciate how our children, parents, and our staff have embraced the challenges of the past year with positivity and creativity.
We have re-imagined and adapted how we deliver education to our children, and invested in staff training and technology, to ensure that we remain connected to all of our children and families – whatever the circumstances. We thank you for your support as we strive to provide the very best education for your child.
We appreciate your support and co-operation in helping us to keep our school safe and open, by abiding by the national public health measures currently in place at all times e.g. restricting movements and social contacts, social distancing, use of facial coverings and hand hygiene.
It is our priority to continue to provide a safe and healthy environment for your children and our staff.
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Ms Blaithin Maguire, Principal