Parents Association Notice

Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Parents Association

The Parents Association is an important link between the school and the parents of the children that attend our school.
We aim to support staff and pupils in the school in a variety of ways to promote a happy, safe and positive school environment for our children. We also aim to support and empower parents to be active in the best interests of their children’s education. For example, by organising fundraising initiatives that enable the school to upgrade and purchase items that couldn’t be funded directly by the school.
The Parents Association receives a comprehensive monthly update from the School Principal on what’s happening and is planned within our school.
We encourage parents to become involved in whatever way works best for you – either by volunteering at school events, cakes sales and book fairs, to advising with policies that effect your child.
Whether you are new to the area or a local resident, it is a great opportunity to meet other parents in the community and make new friends.
The position of Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary are elected by parents at the Annual General Meeting. The current holders of these positions are listed on the About Us section of the school website.
We are always looking for new members and volunteers so if you are interested in helping out, please message us on our Facebook page Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Laytown Parents Association or email us at
We look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
SSN Parents Association