The acronym STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. In an ever-changing technological world, we recognise that STEM is very much a part of our pupils’ future. We endeavour that that all pupils are exposed to each aspect of the STEM subjects across the curriculum. Our citizens must feel empowered to provide answers to everyday life challenges and to understand the world around them. Today’s students are tomorrow’s politicians, inventors, astronauts, doctors … and more!
STEM AT Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh
What a great year for STEM at Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh! We have continued our love of STEM through our love of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Pupils use of iPads has been embedded into the curriculum. Lego activities have been timetabled throughout the school and some pupils have had the opportunity to experience robotics and coding with Beebots and Lego Wedo 2.0. Sixth class pupils participated in a Satellite competition earlier in the year and Adrian Shestakovs was the outright winner, designing the mission patch for Ireland’s very first satellite, ‘Eirsat-1’, to be launched from the International Space Station in 2020. Sixth class pupils also prepared a very successful entry for the EBS ‘Science Blast’ Exhibition at the RDS in March. Their Climate Change project received very positive feedback from the judges. Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh was recently the proud recipient of yet another plaque when hard work throughout the entire school resulted in the 2019 ‘Science Foundation Ireland Discover Science & Maths Award’ in June. Click on the link below to see our application and all the activities that have been going on in our classrooms throughout the year!
Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Laytown ScienceMathsAwardApplication
Here is some feedback on our efforts from Science Foundation Ireland
“Well done to all the staff and pupils on your fantastic STEM investigations. It was a pleasure to read your well presented log and to see that so much of the writing was done by the pupils. Congratulations to Adrian on designing the mission patch for Eirsat -1. It looks amazing and you should be very proud of it. Great work on highlighting the need for action on Climate Change in your Science Blast project and your Carbon Footprint game and incorporating it into your maths. You also have some fantastic examples of incorporating STEM into other subject areas such as your use of technology for art and music and integrating engineering and technology with history through your Aztec temples and Norman castles. Congratulations on a well deserved award and keep up the good work”.
Winners of Satellite Eirsat-1 Mission Patch competition
We are Adrian Shestakovs and Cormac Lynch from Mrs. Doak’s 6th class. We are literally over the moon to announce that Adrian is the overall winner as designer of the mission patch for the first ever Irish satellite, Eirsat-1. Cormac is also highly commended for his design. Eirsat-1 will be launched in to space in the year 2020 from the ISS (International Space Station). It will go into space, carrying Adrian’s mission patch. As the winners of the competition, the class will get to interview an astronaut for 45mins in January, live! We are all so delighted to be part of Irish space history!!!
Science Blast at the RDS – Sixth Class
On March 6th we took part in the Science Blast exhibition at the RDS in Dublin. Our project was entitled: ‘Can we use methods alternative to fossil fuels to power everyday transport’? We had worked very hard in preparation for the exhibition; researching, collecting and analysing data and building our own mini prototypes that can run on renewable energy. It was difficult not to become really passionate about our planet and the dangers of climate change. We were so happy to receive our trophy at the end of the day
Technology at Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh
The pupils of Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh were very fortunate recently to experience work and play with ‘Beebots’ and ‘Lego Wedo ‘. A lot of fun was had as the pupils explored mathematical concepts whilst also integrating with the digital technologies aspect of our STEM curriculum. Beebots are floor robots that move in different directions following commands input by the pupils. Beebots are a fantastic tool to facilitate the development of pupils’ computational thinking.
The children’s enthusiasm whilst working with Lego Wedo was inspiring. This resource combines traditional Lego bricks with motion sensors and software. There was great excitement as the pupils collaborated on various moving design projects. It was evident that this experience enhanced their skills across art and design, mathematics, science, coding and engineering. We are very grateful to Navan Education Centre who facilitated the loan of this equipment to our school.