Whole School Evaluation

Welcome back to all the pupils, parents and Staff of SSN.  Well the postman arrived on Thursday the 1st of September 2016, with three big brown envelopes! Our school were having a Whole School Evaluation ( WSE ) on the 19th of September. I am delighted to report that the Staff embraced this wonderful opportunity to celebrate all the fantastic initiatives in Literacy, Numeracy, Sport, Green schools and music. It certainly has been a very busy time for the whole school community. The Inspection involved meetings with the Staff, the Pupils, the Parent Reps on the BOM, the Chairperson of the P.A the Learning support team and the In school Management team. The inspectors stayed with us for the week visiting classrooms, Loinnir and the learning support rooms. I am very happy to say we received positive feedback. Ms Maguire is very proud of the school community in SSN.